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Sites to visit (Ziyarah) in Madinah

Raheel Travels and Tours

1. Jannat-Ul-Baqi’

Jannatul Baqi’ is the oldest Islamic cemetery in Madinah. It is where the wives, daughters and several companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) are buried. In fact, it is the burial place for approximately 10,000 companions of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him). It is considered virtuous to visit this cemetery.

2. Masjid Quba

Masjid Quba is the first Mosque in Islam and Madinah’s second largest Mosque. It was founded by the Prophet after he migrated from Makkah to Madinah. Hence, it holds a prestigious place among Muslims. The historic sources of Islam reveal that it was constructed around 622AD and this is where first Friday prayer was held. They prayer was led by Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and later he used to visit it every Saturday to offer prayers.

3. The Garden of Salman Farsi

At this place, Prophet Muhammad planted around 300 date palms so that he could free Salman Farsi (RA) from slavery. He belonged to a rich family and was a Persian slave sold in the slave market and taken to Madinah. It is near Masjid Quba and still has tonnes of date palm trees that add to its beauty. The garden has a date shop where you can enjoy a hot steaming cup of tea amidst greenery.

4. Masjid Al-Qiblatain

Masjid Qiblatain means a Mosque with two Qiblas. Muslims used to offer Salah facing Masjid al Aqsa in Jeruselem. When the verses to change the direction to the ka’bah were revealed the Imam that was leading the prayer immediately changed the direction

Built by Sawad ibn Ghanam, the opulent and traditional structure of the Al-Qiblatain mosque makes a sight to behold. It has a huge prayer hall and is renowned for its twin Mihrabs. In 1987, it was torn down and rebuilt during the reign of King Fahd. During the reconstruction, the prayer niche facing Mecca was left, while the one facing Jerusalem was removed.

5. Masjid Musabbih

This was the place that the Prophet (peace be upon Him) made His Fajr prayer when visited Madinah for the first time.

6. Masjid Al-Fatah

The location of Masjid Al-Fatah is renowned because this is where enemies of the idol worshipping Arabs and the Jews attacked Muslims of Madinah during the battle of Ahzaab. Here, at the western corner of Jabal Sala, the Prophet made a Du’a, bringing him victory during the battle of Ahzaab. The masjid is called Al-Fatah because the Al-Fatah Surah in the Quran was revealed here. It has been built and rebuilt many times in the past.

7. Masjid Al-Ghamamah

The Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) once offered Salatul Istisqa’ (prayer for rain) during a drought. Clouds came immediately and it started raining. A Masjid was later built in this same place. Ghamamah means cloud.

8. Mount Uhud

Around 5 km north of Madinah lies a mountain where the Battle of Uhud had taken place. The adjacent cemetery is the burial ground of approximately seventy of the Prophet’s (peace be upon Him) companions, including his uncle Hamzah (May Allah be pleased with Him). The top of the mountain offers a stunning view of Madinah. There are small markets in the mountain that visitors can shop from.

9. Ethq well

This is a place where the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) sat to drink water while they were migrating to Madinah.

10. Uthman bin Affan well

Uthman bin Affan (May Allah be pleased with Him) purchased this well for 38,000 dirhams from a jewish man who was charging people for water. After purchasing it, Uthman (May Allah be pleased with Him) let Muslims take water for free. The well is still under the ownership of the family of Uthman (May Allah be pleased with Him).

11. Al-Ghars well

The Al-Ghars well was a place from which the Prophet (peace be upon Him) drank and made a request that he be bathed with its water after his demise.

12. Castle of Urwa bin Zubair

The castle of Urwa bin Zubair (May Allah be pleased with him) is located to the west of Madinah. The castle is still the property of Urwa bin Zubair (May Allah be pleased with him).

Museums in Madinah

1. Dar Al-Madinah Museum

This is the first and the oldest museum in the city. It narrates the history, heritage and rich culture of Islam. It reassesses the events of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The museum even holds seminars on his life. It welcomes visitors between Saturday and Thursday. It has large models that simulate the construction of several landmarks in the city. The museum has rare pieces and artefacts on display to showcase the rich history of the city.

The Museum is open from 12pm to 8pm.

Entrance fee: 25 Saudi Riyal per person

Location: Safwan Ibn Malik Al Tamimi al Mabuth, 42362

2. Al-Madinah Museum / Hijaz Railway Museum

This Museum was initially a railway station built by the Ottomans. It has historical artifacts from the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) until the Ottoman empire.

The Museum is open from 8 am to 10 pm.

Entrance fee: Free

Location: Omar Ibn Alkhtab Rd. 42315

3. Madinah Media Museum

The museum displays artefacts that provide deep insight into Islam, its spread and the events that followed it. It is a walk through the Islamic history and culture, and the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Its exhibits include old images, paintings, a theatre, battle schematics, models of important monuments, rocks and much more. It is situated near Masjid-al Nabawi and has a theatre that illustrates the construction of the Mosque and the city. It also has schematics of famous battles, serving the best of knowledge to historians.

Location: Dawoodi Park Street

4. The Holy Qur’an Exhibition

The Holy Qur’an Exhibition is situated at Gate 5 of Masjid Nabawi. There are different styles of copies of the Qur’an.

Entrance fee: Free

Madinah sightseeing bus

You can take a sightseeing bus to visit historical places in Madinah. It costs 80 Riyal for an adult and 40 Riyal for a child. With a 24-hour hop on hop off ticket, you can visit 12 different sights. (There can, however, be a long wait of at least an hour before the next bus comes).

Click below for a downloadable pdf on the list of sites to visit in Madinah

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